Are you motivated by the dream, maybe a vision of how you want to feel every day? Or, are you more motivated by avoiding the "nightmare", symptoms you absolutely don't want to be feeling? For me, it's been a combination of both. Let me tell you my story. I've always...
While people who have celiac disease and overt gluten sensitivities commonly eliminate gluten from their diet, there are other health conditions that can benefit from a gluten-free diet. In fact, you may find that eating gluten free is the answer for what’s ailing...
Many people lose weight when they begin eating a gluten-free diet. If you have glucose intolerance, you may lose weight because your body can process the food better, but you may also lose weight even without the intolerance. Along with weight-loss, this can also help...
Many people in the Western world tend to burn the candle at both ends. They are stressed and try to pack too much into their busy day. Inevitably, the amount of sleep they get starts to decrease as they struggle to meet all of the demands placed upon them. Sleep is an...